NECAN Industry Webinar Series
NECAN is hosting a series of industry webinars starting this July. Attendees will hear from people within the fishing and aquaculture industries, as well as research institutions on the impacts of ocean and coastal acidification in these sectors. Information on the first webinar is included below.
July 12, 2018 at 1:00 pm EST
"Sediment Saturation State"
Brian Beal, University of Maine School of Marine Sciences
Jeff Clements, University of New Brunswick Department of Biological Sciences
To register click here.
Additional webinar information to follow.
EPA Monitoring Guidelines on Coastal Acidification now Available
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently published "Guidelines for Measuring Changes in Seawater pH and Associated Carbonate Chemistry in Coastal Environments of the Eastern United States." These guidelines are written for a variety of audiences ranging from industry and local citizen science groups to advanced chemistry laboratories interested in expanding existing capabilities. The purpose is to give an overview of available sampling and analytical and data reporting approaches that will contribute to the usefulness of coastal acidification measurements for both the needs of those intending to monitor, as well as those of other interested stakeholders along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States.
The full set of Guidelines can be found here.
Conceptual Model on Ocean and Coastal Acidification
for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
The Northeast Sea Grant Consortium and the Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Programs have partnered with the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program to support a regional research initiative on ocean and coastal acidification (OCA). This project brought together researchers, federal, state, industry, and NGO leaders in the field of OCA along with Sea Grant extension professionals. A workshop was held at the University of Connecticut, Avery Point campus this past April to identify and prioritize drivers of OCA in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Breakout groups discussed similarities and differences between these regions in terms of bio-geography as it relates to the mechanisms of OCA, how these regions are particularly sensitive to OCA, and what the potential consequences are. With this information, attendees worked to identify key sectors that would be most affected by acidification, define target audience groups, and refine key messages and outreach products. The goal of the meeting is to develop a conceptual model highlighting the major drivers of OCA in these regions.
Additional details and workshop outcomes will be forthcoming.
Maine Ocean and Coastal Acidification Partnership (MOCA) Summer Meeting
June 12 in Brunswick, ME
The Maine Ocean and Coastal Acidification (MOCA) Partnership summer meeting will be held at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. MOCA is a volunteer partnership that seeks to implement recommendations of the Ocean Acidification Study Commission and to coordinate the work of governmental agencies and private organizations and citizens who are studying and implementing means to reduce the impacts of or help adapt to ocean and coastal acidification.
Agenda topics include:
Citizen science monitoring workshops
Conceptual Model Workshop review
Ocean Acidification Information Exchange
Changes in Gulf of Maine lobster population
Impacts of ocean acidification and temperature on lobster larvae
Effects of ocean acidification on the physiology of sub-adult American lobster
O'Chang Studios: Cartooning in the Gulf of Maine?
Meeting details and registration information can be found here.
Shellfish Grower's Climate Coalition
"Policy makers recognize that seafood farming and fisheries are a significant source of jobs in coastal communities. Recognizing this, a group of seven growers, from both the East and West Coasts, have joined forces with The Nature Conservancy to form the Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition (SGCC). "
-Bill Mook, Mook Sea Farm
The Nature Conservancy and shellfish grower's from both the East and West coast have recently teamed up to create the Shellfish Grower's Climate Coalition. The SGCC is committed to shining a light on how climate change is already affecting food production in the United States, and using the stories of shellfish growers and other businesses as a way to start a broader conversation about the urgent need for climate action. The SGCC is committed to educating the public about climate change, ocean and coastal acidification, and shellfish farms.
More information on the SGCC can be found here.
Post-Doc Job Opportunity
A position has become available to conduct research on ocean and coastal acidification in a bivalve aquaculture hatchery on the East coast of the United States. The researcher will be responsible for developing a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for eastern oysters in a hatchery environment based on carrying capacity, current environmental conditions, feeding rates, and growth rates. Model work will be combined with experiments at the hatchery to validate the model results as necessary. The project will require strong modeling skills, preferably in DEB modeling, and working with the east coast shellfish industry, academic partners, and other government agencies. The research proposal should be innovative, technically sound, and feasible to complete in a 2 - 3 year period of time. The outcome of the proposed research should be new information that can be published in peer-reviewed literature and that will further knowledge in a field of science or engineering.
More information on this position and how to apply can be found here.
4th International Symposium: Effects of Climate Change on World's Oceans
June 4 - 8 in Washington, D.C.
The 4th International Symposium is taking place this week in Washington, D.C. and works to bring together experts from around the world to better understand climate impacts on ocean ecosystems and how to respond. On Tuesday June 5, 2018 there will be a session on carbon uptake, ocean acidification, and ecosystems and human impacts, please see abstract below.
By absorbing significant quantities of CO2, the ocean provides a critical climate regulation service. At the same time, carbon uptake is altering marine biogeochemistry, food web and ecosystem properties. Other drivers of large-scale degradation of the marine environment have been widely reported, specifically temperature-driven coral bleaching and hypoxia. Yet, there exist significant uncertainties. The long-term ability of the ocean to absorb carbon and thus to modulate climate is a critical question of utmost relevance to international climate negotiations. Uncertainties with respect to impacts on marine ecosystems and human society hinders the effective management of ocean resources.
Additional information here.
If you have any updates you’d like shared with NECAN, please email